Danke Frau Vorsitzende, Madame la rapporteur, Monsieur le Commissaire,
In the EU, too many workers are living in poverty and suffer because of social exclusion.
Work, platform work included, must become again a tool for all to combat poverty. Today, this is not the case.
The growing digital economy has great potential for job creation, but these jobs must be quality instead of precarious jobs.
New forms of work must become synonym of equal rights and better work life balance!
We, socialists and democrats, together with trade Unions and civil society will never accept that platform workers are a sub or new category of workers!
To prevent social dumping, platform workers deserve social rights, health and safety protection, fair working conditions and the right to collective bargaining.
And therefore we need ambitious EU legislation.
Here we have an opportunity to make social progress for the next generation by empowering platform workers.
Our aim is a more resilient and a more social Union where vulnerable categories of workers have no place.