A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
2020-11-24T11:10:27+01:00The European industrial policy strategy should promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, where
The European industrial policy strategy should promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, where
Heute hat die EU-Kommission ihre lang erwartete Strategie zur Gleichstellung von lesbischen,
While negotiating the MFF and the Recovery Fund, this Parliament stayed strong
Ech si ganz frou datt d’Europaparlament haut decidéiert huet de Sakharovpräis Präis 2020 un Vertriederinnen
Dear Commissioner, Dear Colleagues, The past financial crisis and the answer EU
Interruption des soins, isolement, charge mentale excessive, manque de matériel de protection,
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. While
Discrimination à l'emploi, pauvreté à l'emploi, conditions de travail précaires sont autant
Ce 28 septembre 2020 reprennent les négociations entre le Conseil, la Commission
With acknowledging the fact that in several Member States Covid-19 cases have