
Plenary speech on European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience


Dear colleagues, According to CEDEFOP, almost half of EU workers will need

Plenary speech on European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience2021-02-09T11:20:15+01:00

Plenary speech on “The need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality”


Vielen Dank Frau Vorsitzende, Dear Commissioner Dalli, Lieber Micheal Roth, Dear colleagues,

Plenary speech on “The need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality”2020-12-17T10:59:22+01:00

Ban of premature obsolescence of products, and mandatory labelling on durability and reparability: S&Ds won the fight for an ambitious Sustainable Single Market


The European Parliament discussed and approved its report on the Sustainable Single

Ban of premature obsolescence of products, and mandatory labelling on durability and reparability: S&Ds won the fight for an ambitious Sustainable Single Market2020-11-25T16:59:31+01:00