
Covid-19: EU coordination of health assessments and risk classification and the consequences on Schengen and the single market


With acknowledging the fact that in several Member States Covid-19 cases have

Covid-19: EU coordination of health assessments and risk classification and the consequences on Schengen and the single market2020-09-14T16:27:16+02:00

Brief an Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen: Der Schutz der EU-Stahlindustrie ist akut!


Unter der Federführung meines Kollegen Massimiliano Salini haben wir heute ein an

Brief an Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen: Der Schutz der EU-Stahlindustrie ist akut!2020-05-27T17:17:57+02:00

S&D Group welcomes the Commission’s package on tourism, but still demands a European Travel Guarantee Fund


The S&D Group has clear priorities when it comes to a post-COVID-19

S&D Group welcomes the Commission’s package on tourism, but still demands a European Travel Guarantee Fund2020-05-13T17:53:10+02:00

The regression of passengers’ rights must be avoided over businesses cash-flow requests


Yesterday, twelve EU Member States, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,

The regression of passengers’ rights must be avoided over businesses cash-flow requests2020-04-30T12:36:07+02:00