
My plenary speech on breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary


Danke Herr Vorsitzender, Dear all, Conflating homosexuality and transidentity with paedophilia is

My plenary speech on breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary2021-07-07T14:18:48+02:00

ETUC pledge for a stronger Gender Pay Transparency directive signed!


Please find more information here about the initiative here: Listen below

ETUC pledge for a stronger Gender Pay Transparency directive signed!2021-06-21T17:01:41+02:00

My plenary speech on Accelerating progress and tackling inequalities towards ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030


Dear President, Dear Commissioner, Dear Colleagues, We Socialists and Democrats welcome the

My plenary speech on Accelerating progress and tackling inequalities towards ending AIDS as a public health threat by 20302021-05-18T11:24:37+02:00

Our rights, our freedom. We are not an ideology. We are proud citizens of the European #LGBTIQFreedomZone.


Muer gëtt am Europaparlament iwwert d'Resolutioun déi d’EU zur LGBTIQ Freedom Zone

Our rights, our freedom. We are not an ideology. We are proud citizens of the European #LGBTIQFreedomZone.2021-03-09T15:42:52+01:00

Mon intervention en plénière sur l’égalité de traitement en matière d’emploi et de travail à la lumière de la CNUDPH


Merci Monsieur le Président, Cher commissaire, chers collègues, Laissez moi commencer par

Mon intervention en plénière sur l’égalité de traitement en matière d’emploi et de travail à la lumière de la CNUDPH2021-03-09T12:08:02+01:00

International Women’s Day: Gender discrimination and gender pay gap has no place anymore in Europe!


Segregation in the labour market and in education, discrimination at work and

International Women’s Day: Gender discrimination and gender pay gap has no place anymore in Europe!2021-03-09T15:57:24+01:00