Fin du secret salarial!
Le principe de l’égalité de rémunération est inscrit aux traités fondateurs de l’Union européenne depuis 1958. Malgré
My Plenary speech on the Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 15 December 2022
Madam President, dear Minister, dear colleagues, The cost of living crisis affecting our European citizens unfortunately persists.
L’Uberisation au service d’une Europe sociale forte
Ce 12 Octobre 2022 a marqué une nouvelle étape vers l’adoption d’une nouvelle directive relative aux travailleurs
My Plenary speech on adequate minimum wages in the EU
This historic Directive introducing adequate minimum wages and strengthening collective bargaining in Europe is a very important
My Plenary speech on the protection of workers from the risks relating to exposure to carcinogens
The S&D welcome that today we can make another step forward in the protection of workers from
My Plenary speech on Tackling non-tariff and non-tax barriers in the single market
First of all, I would like to thank to the rapporteur and my shadow rapporteur colleagues for