New rules on transparency: A stronger integrity culture within the EP
I am glad that the recommendations in the final report on the reform of the European Parliament's
Echange iwwer LGBTI-Rechter mam UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres zu New York
A menger Funktioun als Co-President vum LGBTI-Intergrupp vum Europaparlament, war ech des Woch fir en Echange iwwer
Europe must lead by example in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
A girl unable to get an education in Myanmar. A family suffering from hunger in South Sudan.
Two years after the Social Summit in Porto: It’s time to deliver more!
Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have invited EU Heads
My Plenary speech on universal decriminalization of homosexuality, in light of recent developments in Uganda
Violence, harassment and hate speech in Uganda: these are not made-up allegations, but realities that activists have
Mon discours lors du débat avec le Premier Ministre Xavier Bettel au PE
Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Chers collègues, Je me souviens vivement de notre temps commun