My Speech at the Solidarity March for Ukraine
My speech at the Solidarity March for Ukraine, organised by LUkraine, on the two-year anniversary of Russia's
Sozialdemokraten fordern das Wegfallen aller Grenzkontrollen zu und aus Rumänien
Meine Rede zur Ausprache mit dem Präsidenten Rumäniens, Klaus Iohannis: Sehr geehrter Präsident Iohannis, Es ist uns
A Union of equality is above all a Union that puts human dignity at the core of society
My Plenary speech on the implementation report on the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 The LGBTIQ Strategy
Member States should ban neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups and systematically prosecute far-right violence
My written statement on the plenary debate on the fight against the resurgence of neo-fascism in Europe,
Pour une approche transversale, inclusive et intersectionnelle afin de répondre aux défis de la transition environnementale et digitale
Mon intervention en plénière sur la dimension de genre de l’augmentation du coût de la vie et
My Plenary speech on the activities of the European Ombudsman in 2022
First, I would like to thank the Rapporteur, Mr. Jahr, and all the Shadow Rapporteurs for the