Ban of premature obsolescence of products, and mandatory labelling on durability and reparability: S&Ds won the fight for an ambitious Sustainable Single Market
The European Parliament discussed and approved its report on the Sustainable Single Market for business and consumers.
Plenary speech on a New Consumer Agenda beyond 2020
Madame la Président, cher Commissaire Reynders, Dear Colleagues, An important achievement of the European Union has been
A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
The European industrial policy strategy should promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, where climate neutrality, sustainability, innovation and
LGBTIQ Strategie der EU-Kommission: Ein erster wichtiger Schritt, aber es ist noch Luft nach oben
Heute hat die EU-Kommission ihre lang erwartete Strategie zur Gleichstellung von lesbischen, schwulen, transgender, intersexuellen, nichtbinären und
Plenary speech on Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Recovery Fund
While negotiating the MFF and the Recovery Fund, this Parliament stayed strong and didn’t allow itself to
Sakharovpräis 2020
Ech si ganz frou datt d’Europaparlament haut decidéiert huet de Sakharovpräis Präis 2020 un Vertriederinnen a Vetrieder vun der Oppositioun a