
Notes about my work in the European Parliament.


Our rights, our freedom. We are not an ideology. We are proud citizens of the European #LGBTIQFreedomZone.

By |March 9th, 2021|

Muer gëtt am Europaparlament iwwert d'Resolutioun déi d’EU zur LGBTIQ Freedom Zone deklaréiert, debattéiert. Dëst am Kader

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Mon intervention en plénière sur l’égalité de traitement en matière d’emploi et de travail à la lumière de la CNUDPH

By |March 9th, 2021|

Merci Monsieur le Président, Cher commissaire, chers collègues, Laissez moi commencer par une remarque essentielle. Il est

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International Women’s Day: Gender discrimination and gender pay gap has no place anymore in Europe!

By |March 8th, 2021|

Segregation in the labour market and in education, discrimination at work and role traditionally assigned to women

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For a more consumer-, SME-, sustainability-focused and future oriented competition policy

By |February 22nd, 2021|

Consumer-, SME-, sustainability-focused and future oriented competition policy IMCO opinion has been adopted Today the European Parliament’s

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