Born in Luxembourg, March 12th 1963
Primary and secondary education in Luxembourg
University of Vienna Austria: Diploma as a Translator for German, French, English
(Mag. Phil.)
Economic University of Vienna: Diploma in Tourism-economy
Professional activities: Teaching in Luxembourg hotel- and tourism management school
Member of Luxembourg City Council 1994-2020
Member of Luxembourg Parliament 2004-2019
- Chairman of the Committee for Foreign, European Affairs, International Development, Immigration and Asylum
- Member of the Committee on Gender Issues
- Member of the Health Committee
- Member of the Economic Affairs Committee
- Member of the Institutional Affairs Committee
- Treasurer of NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- President of the Luxembourg Delegation to COSAC
- President of the Luxembourg Delegation to BENELUX Parliament
Member of the European Parliament since 2019
Former Vice-President of the European Parliament 2023-2024
Quaestor of the European Parliament since July 2024
- Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
- Co-President of the LGBTI Intergroup
- Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL)
- Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT)
- Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
- Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)
- Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community (DAND)
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cap Verde in Luxembourg
UNAIDS Red Ribbon Leader for the 10-10-10 Social Enabler Target
President of the LCTO Luxembourg City Tourist Office
Co-founder of STOP AIDS NOW a.s.b.l (Luxembourg)

Born in Luxembourg, March 12th 1963
Primary and secondary education in Luxembourg
University of Vienna Austria: Diploma as a Translator for German, French, English
(Mag. Phil.)
Economic University of Vienna: Diploma in Tourism-economy
Professional activities: Teaching in Luxembourg hotel- and tourism management school
Member of Luxembourg City Council 1994-2020
Member of Luxembourg Parliament 2004-2019
- Chairman of the Committee for Foreign, European Affairs, International Development, Immigration and Asylum
- Member of the Committee on Gender Issues
- Member of the Health Committee
- Member of the Economic Affairs Committee
- Member of the Institutional Affairs Committee
- Treasurer of NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- President of the Luxembourg Delegation to COSAC
- President of the Luxembourg Delegation to BENELUX Parliament
Member of the European Parliament since 2019
Vice-President of the European Parliament since 2023
- Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
- Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL)
- Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT)
- Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
- Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
- Delegation for relations with the People’s Republic of China (D-CN)
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cap Verde in Luxembourg
UNAIDS Champion for the 90-90-90 Treatment Target
President of the LCTO Luxembourg City Tourist Office
Co-founder of STOP AIDS NOW a.s.b.l (Luxembourg)

Roland Gúr
Head of office
Assistant to the Vice-Presidency
+32 (0) 228 47513
Fb: rolandgur Twitter: gurroland

Daniel Constantinides
Accredited Parliamentary Assistant (APA)
+32 (0) 228 38513

Angelica Da Porto
Accredited Parliamentary Assistant (APA)
+32 (0) 228 59513

Maud Hollerich
Attachée de presse – Délégation luxembourgeoise du Groupe S&D
+352 225914-24