Yesterday the EP adopted the report on the New Circular Economy Action Plan. Circular economy intends to achieve a significant reduction in our overall use of natural resources and in our waste production. We cannot anymore overlook the fact that 3 planets would be needed already now, if everyone would consume at the rate of the average EU-resident.
This new plan aims to accelerate the systemic and transformational change required by the European Green Deals ambition of climate neutrality, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and will contribute to innovation, to strengthen consumer protection and to create new jobs while ensuring a just transition.
One of our biggest achievements as Socialists and Democrats (S&D) that the final document supports the idea of updating the Skills Agenda for the circular economy and that it calls on the Commission to tailor this Agenda to specific employment needs, including education and training requirements as well as new jobs needed in the transition to a circular economy. We made clear that the Circular Economy Action plan must be linked to implementation of the European Pillar of social right and gender equality strategy as well as it must ensure a just transition.